Monday, July 30, 2007

More Free Travel Guides

It's been pretty hot around here lately. Which means the kids have been playing inside where it's cooler more often than they usually do. And it means that I have been slowly going bonkers from the noise level and normal antics of the kids. My cure would be going on vacation, so everyone could be doing something new and exciting. Not that travelling with children doesn't come with it's own difficulties guaranteed to keep me on the inside track to going insane, but at least it sounds good.

Rick Steve's has some audio guides of Paris available at his site. Four different guides that include mp3 files and downloadable maps are available for free.

Hmmm. Summer in Paris? Maybe New Zealand would be better. It's winter there now. You can get access to 200 "miniguides" here. In order to get the full audio tours you have to subscribe to the site. Although for less than $6 USD per year, that doesn't seem like such a bad deal. Especially if you are really planning to go to New Zealand!

Gotta go and break up another heat induced child argument!

Happy Listening!