Friday, July 20, 2007

My Favorite Husband with Lucille Ball

I have company coming this weekend. That of course, means cleaning to do. And there isn't much I detest more that housework!I would rather be doing almost anything but. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to go away just because I don't want to do it.

Listening to something interesting on my mp3 player is the only way I know to make housework somewhat bearable. So this morning I was listening to my favorite audio book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. This is the audio book that first got me interested and made me long for an mp3 player. I got my copy of it over at the I just recently found a free text and audio copy of it here. I can't recommend reading or listening to this piece of work enough. It has completely changed the way I look at things.

Anyway, there's more housework to do and now I want something on the more lighthearted side to listen to. I just found an old time radio show called My Favorite Husband starring Lucille Ball! Sounds perfect. My only complaint is that the site doesn't have the complete listing of shows. In fact it starts with episode 20. If I enjoy the shows they do have, I'm going to try finding a source of all that is missing. But for now I need to go do some more of that dreaded housework!

Happy Listening!

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