Friday, July 6, 2007

Audio Books to Celebrate Freedom

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I have been gone over the weekend on a backpacking trip with my family. It always amazes me what the kids are capable of! We got home in time to go to the community Independence Day celebration, which had the requisite BBQ and fireworks show.

In a previous post I showed where you can get an audio bundle that contained the founding documents of the United States. While LearnOut Loud stated that it would only be available till the 4th, it's still there in their free audio section, under American History. You can also download the separate titles contained in the bundle as individual downloads.

FreeAudio and AmericanRhetoric are two more places to find free audio content on the subject of freedom that I have also mentioned in a previous post.

A new resource of free audio: Assistive Media. They have hundreds of audio articles on a variety of topics that are all free to download. Check out their archives to get a full list by topic, publication or date listed. They also have a search feature there. They are working to provide material to those with a "'reading access barrier" so please consider providing a donation if you use their services.

Happy Listening!

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