Friday, May 25, 2007

504 More Free Audio Books

You can get 500 free audio books at LearnOutLoud. And they offer a new audio book free each month. In order to get your free audio books at LearnOutLoud, you'll need to set up a free account and when you do, you'll have the option to receive a free audio resource of the day from them. Now you can get even more free audio content!

May's free audio book of the month is Wallace Wattles' The Science of Being Great. I was absolutely tickled to get this as it was his first work The Science of Getting Rich that attracted me to audio books in the first place. Better hurry over to LearnOutLoud to get your free copy today, May is almost over!

Most of the free resources I have given you so far have pretty weighty audio books, mostly classics and self-improvement titles. So here are 4 short story audio books for you to sit back and enjoy. Although, judging from the cover art, they aren't light hearted stories! You can get them here.

As an aside, LearnOutLoud has a great selection of educational and self-improvement audio books, including a lot of exclusive material. You can buy their titles in CD, cassette and downloadable mp3 format. And at some pretty great prices too. Check them out. Chances are LearnOutLoud has something that you've been looking for.

Happy Listening!

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